Friday, August 14, 2009

You Can Now Get Months in the Pokey For Forcing Prayer in School

I found this article in the Wasthington Post:

Students, teachers and local pastors are protesting over a court case involving a northern Florida school principal and an athletic director who are facing criminal charges and up to six months in jail over their offer of a mealtime prayer.
I guess this is not the first time the school and or district has done something like this:

An ACLU official said the school district has allowed "flagrant" violations
of the First Amendment for years.

"The defendants all admitted wrongdoing," said Daniel Mach, director of litigation for its freedom of religion program. "For example, the Pace High School teachers handbook asks teachers to 'embrace every opportunity to inculcate, by precept and example, the practice of every Christian virtue.' "

The fight involving the ACLU, the school district and several devout Christian employees began last August when the ACLU sued Santa Rosa County Schools on behalf of two students who had complained privately to the group's Florida affiliate, claiming some teachers and administrators were allowing prayers at school events such as graduations, orchestrating separate religiously themed graduation services, and "proselytizing" students during class and after school.

In January, the Santa Rosa County School District settled out of court with the ACLU, agreeing to several things, including a provision to bar all school employees from promoting or sponsoring prayers during school-sponsored events; holding school events at church venues when a secular alternative was available; or promoting their religious beliefs or attempting to convert students in class or during school-sponsored events.

Well its pretty clear that the school and the district are clearly thumbing their noses at the settlement that they preciously reached with the ACLU and I’m not sure what the laws are in Florida but I would imagine that school led prayer (in class or at school functions) is not allowed. I think both the Principal and Athletic director clearly broke the law and should definitely be fired and the school should possibly even be fined but that being said six months in prison seems to be a bit ridiculous, especially when the same state just gave a man 30 days for man slaughter while driving under the influence.