You may be able to run for office soon!
A representative in Arkansas has submitted a bill to the state legislator to amend the Arkansas constitution and remove the law which prohibits atheists from running for office. The bill was submitted to the house on February 11 by Representative Richard Carroll. I'm not sure when the bill will go to vote or what the odds are that it will even pass but im sure I will post about when something does happen.
I live in California and don't really follow other states politics so I was completely shocked when I found out that a state actually had a law that banned it’s non-believing citizens from running for public office, well I did a little more research and found out that there are actually seven states which don’t allow atheists to run for office. Yes if you are an atheist and live in Arkansas, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, or Texas you can’t technicaly run for public office. I’m not a lawyer but aren’t these laws clearly unconstitutional?
Anywho I hope this bill passes, either way I plan on contacting Representive Caroll’s office and thank him for proposing this bill. I have to admit the guy has a lot of balls proposing a bill like this in a state like Arkansas especialy while he is in his first term.
A representative in Arkansas has submitted a bill to the state legislator to amend the Arkansas constitution and remove the law which prohibits atheists from running for office. The bill was submitted to the house on February 11 by Representative Richard Carroll. I'm not sure when the bill will go to vote or what the odds are that it will even pass but im sure I will post about when something does happen.
I live in California and don't really follow other states politics so I was completely shocked when I found out that a state actually had a law that banned it’s non-believing citizens from running for public office, well I did a little more research and found out that there are actually seven states which don’t allow atheists to run for office. Yes if you are an atheist and live in Arkansas, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, or Texas you can’t technicaly run for public office. I’m not a lawyer but aren’t these laws clearly unconstitutional?
Anywho I hope this bill passes, either way I plan on contacting Representive Caroll’s office and thank him for proposing this bill. I have to admit the guy has a lot of balls proposing a bill like this in a state like Arkansas especialy while he is in his first term.
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